Do you Need Fencing Service Contractor in Sydney? Home and Garden Group have expert skills and over many years of experience providing Fencing services in Sydney. We offer a professional, high-quality, and reliable service each time. Contact us today for all your Fencing installation, repairs, and more.

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Recent Fencing Projects

Fencing Services in Sydney

High Quality Materials In Fence Installation

- Why Choose Home and Garden Group?

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Call us today for all your Fencing needs to see how our team of specialists can help. Contact Home and Garden Group Through 047 542 4078 Or Book A Quote!

Project Summary

Colorbond fencing stretching along the hillside, seamlessly blending durability with aesthetics. But why stop there? To complete the look and provide extra stability, timber sleepers fill the undergap, ensuring both functionality and style. With this combination, your hillside is not just secure—it’s a sight to behold